Our services Oil ChangeThe best technique to decreases the heat output and make the engine run faster is by removing dirt and debris. Electrical ServicesElectrical service helps the automobile to start frequently and keeping your car running while driving. BatteriesCar battery becomes less efficient and needs replacement after every three years. Brake ServicesBrake service is necessary to ensure your safety and to check brake is activated every time you press on the brake pedal. Suspension OverhaulingSuspension overhauling is critical for the safety and reliability of your automobile. AC/Heater ServicesTo ensure a comfortable voyage in both the summer and winter seasons. Wheel AlignmentDoes your car seem to fight you when you are steering? You may need to have your wheels aligned. Engine OverhaulingIf you notice rough idling or if you think there is less power output, then you may want to come by for service. Auto partsAutoSquad ensures that its 20 Point Checkup Policy is carried out at Zero Tolerance to diagnose faulty components well in time Sign up for a free inspection Our special offers Use our special offers to diagnose your car and get high-quality repair in case if your car needs it. Contact us for advice Feel free to contact us if you have any questions according to ous services, price, etc.